Attract new visitors

More than 7 million Czech and Slovak people use and to discover and book unique travel and fun experiences

Since 2022 we helped our partners

  1. All reservations

    246 million EUR

  2. All reservations in Poland

    56 million EUR

  3. Room nights

    2.2 million

  4. Room nights booked in Poland

    416 000

What our partners say


See all partners

How it works

  1. Your special offer

    Together we create an offer that will help you attract Czech and Slovak customers

  2. Customized promotion

    We place it on our portal, promote it through our newsletter, social media and other paid display ads

  3. New customers

    You are welcoming new guests from Czech and Slovak market at your property

Want to know more?

Or contact us directly

+48 733 444 210