Make your profile better

Did you know that your profile can be more interesting, more visible and more successful? Just focus on three simple steps:

  1. Enhance your profile with color or a nice photo
  2. Write an engaging profile with basic information about you
  3. Add a logo

You can do all this in a few minutes, and the result will be worth it.

Why update your profile?

Anyone who searches for your business on Slevomat will first see your profile and the offers you are currently running. The profile thus acts as a calling card, by which the customer can see at a glance what is waiting for him and whether he can look forward to coming to you. So present yourself with your best photos, add your logo and write a few lines about yourself.

What your profile looks like now

How it can look after editing

How to make yourself more attractive and appealing to customers?

In the Slevomat web interface, click on Company Details and then Profile, where you can edit all the sections mentioned above.

Description - this is your medallion, where you have the opportunity to present yourself. We recommend a length of 450–800 characters, which is best written by a professional copywriter. But even honest words from you can work great.

Company color or photo - you can choose any background color here. A corporate colour will brighten up your profile and make it more attractive. Instead of a color, you can also upload a cover photo with a caption + a couple of other photos for which you can choose the order.

Logo - displayed in a square format on the corporate colour or on the photo. It is ideal to upload it in PNG format with a transparent background, but it can also be JPG.

The profile always displays a large cover image and 3 smaller ones in the gallery. Photo resolution must be at least 2000×1000 px. The system will not load smaller photos.

Take a few minutes to edit your profile and take it to the next level. The result will surprise you and the time invested will pay you back many times over. 

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