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5denní zájezd do Nizozemska: letenka, ubytování a nabitý program

CK WISNAR groupe mondiale s.r.o. Amsterdam - Nizozemsko

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Giannis Veronis

Is this tour English language friendly or at least some basic English?

CK WISNAR groupe mondiale s.r.o.

Hi Giannis.
It's our pleasure to read your message and be in touch with you. Sure, you may enjoy the friendly atmosphere during all trip and chat up with our guide about everithing you will be interested for in English. it's the time to start thing about your next trip :) Don't forget we are here for you and for your funny travel time.
Best regards from team of WISNAR groupe mondiale

Dotazy k této nabídce jsou již uzavřeny. Chcete-li nám poskytnout zpětnou vazbu, prosím kontaktujte nás.
